2025 Walks - Notice price increase to $150
February 27-March 2: Men's Spanish Walk #240
March 6-9 - Women's Spanish Walk #241
March 13-16 - Men's English Walk #242
March 20-23 - Women's English Walk #243
Pilgrim and Sponsor Application
Thank you very much for your interest in attending a Walk to Emmaus weekend. Please complete the application form below. We ask that you fill in all of the required information including a correct address, phone number, email address and sponsor's name. This will allow us to contact you to confirm the receipt of your application and paymrnt and to mail you an information for an upcoming Walk to Emmaus.
We ask for a $150 contribution to partially offset the cost
of food, lodging, and materials for your weekend.
You may make payment in one of three ways:
$25 non-refundable deposit
$125 remainder of fee
$150 full fee
You may pay fees ONLINE or by mailing a check to:
Ronnie Bryant, Registrar
Heart of Georgia Walk to Emmaus
134 Arena Road
Perry, GA 31069
Make checks payable to Heart of Georgia Emmaus.
The deposit is non-refundable but may be used for a later walk if you are unable to attend the walk to which you are invited.
The balance of $125.00 will be due at the beginning of your Emmaus weekend.