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October 17-20: Men's Walk #238 - Kyle Young Lay Director
October 24-27: Women's Walk #239 - Andrea Skipper Lay Director
Spanish Walks will be scheduled in 2025
Please Note!
Registration for Spring Walks will open after the Fall Walks have been completed.
Prices for walks in 2025 will be increased to $150.
Thank you very much for your interest in attending an English Walk to Emmaus weekend.
Before you register, it is important that you have a sponsor, who has already attended Walk to Emmaus as your registration MUST contain your sponsor's information.
May God bless you richly as He prepares for your Walk to Emmaus!
Es importante que también recibamos un formulario de solicitud de su patrocinador, quien ya asistió a Walk to Emmaus. Si necesita encontrar un patrocinador o tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso de solicitud, puede comunicarse con Nerily Lopez (Registrador de española) por correo electrónico o por teléfono al 229-392-1010.
¡Que Dios los bendiga ricamente mientras se prepara para su Caminata a Emaús!
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